
Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024


Sydney Trains and NSW Trains members to vote on protected action

ASU Transport delegates say vote YES. 11/09/2024


ASU Statement: LGBTQIA+ Census Win

Without accurate data it is impossible to properly understand the needs of our rainbow community. 8/09/2024


Breaking: New funding for frontline family and domestic violence services!

A *huge* announcement from National Cabinet! 6/09/2024


Flexible Work at Sydney Water

Pledge your support. 4/09/2024


ASU Statement: LGBTQIA+ Census Exclusion

Without accurate data it is impossible to properly understand the needs of our rainbow community. 29/08/2024


2024 SACS Council

Today, ASU delegates from across the community and disability services came together to reflect on our history as a union, our wins and what we should aim for next. 22/08/2024


NDIS workers call on NDIA to crackdown on wage theft

The National Disability Insurance Agency is sitting on its hands when it comes to stamping out wage theft in the NDIS 21/08/2024


2024 Disability Services Conference

Today, ASU delegates from across disability services came together to discuss the changes the sector needs to end wage theft in the NDIS and make it the Best It Can Be 21/08/2024


Disability workers push for pay rise

Disability workers are calling for a payrise - and it's making headlines 12/08/2024


WFH Letter to the Premier

Chris Minns promised he would be a Premier for everyone. 7/08/2024


Media Release: NDIS wage theft case heads to tribunal

A landmark Fair Work Commission case 23/07/2024


Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024


ASU Statement

We stand in solidarity with MPs calling for peace in Gaza. The Australian Services Union NSW & ACT Services Branch stands in solidarity with all Members of Parliament who are using their voices to call for peace in Gaza. 2/07/2024


Canberra Community Workers Fight For Fair

Community workers are calling for Equal Pay in the ACT - after the ACT Government failed to provide the same rights. 25/06/2024
