Water and Ports

The Australian Services Union is the Union for workers across NSW public water utilities and water contractors.

ASU members deliver fresh water to homes across NSW and make sure waste water is safely dealt with. We proudly fight to keep our Water in public hands.

We work at Sydney Water, Water NSW, Hunter Water Corporation, Veolia Water, Roads and Maritime Services and in emerging smaller water companies.


As a union member, there is always someone by your side. Our expert team can provide you with advice and support  about any issue at work.

Membership is tax-deductible and includes free journey insurance and professional indemnity insurance.  

Union membership gives you access to discounts at major brands and retailers  - allowing you to save money on groceries, petrol, holidays and entertainment.

Join the best union for water workers today by clicking here.

Water Workers at Veolia need a pay rise!

Join the union for Water Workers today.

JOIN now

Jennifer works at Sydney Water keeping our water safe and clean
We care about the quality of drinking water that we supply to our customers. Sydney Water should be a secure, public asset.
Jennifer, ASU member 

Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024