Stand Up for Super 

All Australians deserve a decent retirement.

Australia’s universal superannuation system is the difference between poverty and a decent retirement for most Australians. Superannuation and the decisions that are made today will have a far-reaching impact on what retirement looks like for all hard-working Australians:

  • It is the difference between using the heater during winter and having to shiver under a blanket.
  • It is the difference between a healthy balanced diet or instant noodles for dinner.
  • It is often the difference between being able to afford vital medications or not.
  • Australian families are worried about their future.

Just one in five Australians with superannuation said they expected to be able to live comfortably off their super in retirement. Many Australian women are retiring in poverty; older women are the fastest-growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia today.

What we want:

  • Protecting our universal superannuation system and rejecting any attempts to make super optional for Australian workers
  • Keeping to the promised Superannuation Contribution Guarantee rate increase to 12%
  • Closing the retirement gender super gap by paying a superannuation contribution at the prevailing SGC rate for the government’s paid parental leave scheme and on all government carer & family payments

Join our campaign. 

Every day we ignore this problem, the impact gets worse. Cost of living is going up and we are living longer. Urgent action needs to be taken to get super working for women.
We need to lock in a secure retirement for all women. We must upgrade the super system we’ve already built to guarantee a secure, dignified retirement for all working people.

Sign our petition here

"The ASU have always got my back." 
~ASU member