Save Sydney and Hunter Water

Sydney Harbour, our beaches, and the very water we drink is kept safe, clean and protected by Sydney Water and Hunter Water. 

The new NSW Labor Government has introduced legislation to protect our water from privatisation. This will protect our jobs, our water bills and the very water we drink.

Send a message to your local MP to protect Sydney Water and Hunter Water from privatisation.

Public assets always need to remain in public hands
Ferda, ASU member

Media Release: NDIS wage theft case heads to tribunal

A landmark Fair Work Commission case 23/07/2024


Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024


ASU Statement

We stand in solidarity with MPs calling for peace in Gaza. The Australian Services Union NSW & ACT Services Branch stands in solidarity with all Members of Parliament who are using their voices to call for peace in Gaza. 2/07/2024