Australian Services Union members working in domestic and family violence support are calling for at least 10 days' paid Domestic Violence Leave to be included in Australia's national workplace laws.

We have been a leader in making workplaces better for those who experience violence in the home. We have argued successfully that a system of support for those workers would be a win-win, benefiting both the worker and the employer.

The ASU is now part of the national campaign called We Won't Wait to bring family and domestic violence leave to all workers via the National Employment Standards, not just those with employers who understand what is at stake.

We are renewing its call for a minimum of ten days of paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave to be included in national workplace laws to help women escape violent situations.

The Federal Government must act to give every worker access to paid family and domestic violence leave.

Why do we need family and domestic violence leave?

Escaping a violent relationship takes time and money.

It is estimated that moving to find a new, safe place for yourself and your family costs can cost up to $20,000 and take more than 140 hours – but Federal laws currently only provide for five days of unpaid leave.

Paid family and domestic violence leave can give a woman – and it nearly always is a woman – the time, support and job security she needs to escape and recover from an abusive relationship.

One in three employers now offers this leave. All State and Territory Governments do as well but two out of three employees are still missing out.

A woman’s safety shouldn’t depend on her employer. We need the Federal Government to legislate Paid Domestic Violence Leave for EVERY worker in Australia.

Paid domestic violence leave will save lives.

It takes paid leave to leave. And we won’t wait, because women can’t wait.

Join our campaign by signing the petition for ten days paid domestic violence leave.

News & Resources

Labor announces funding for domestic violence workers
• ASU wins SafeWork Award for Domestic Violence Resources
• ASU Guides to Making Safe Workplaces for Victim-Survivors of Family and Domestic Violence
• Download a factsheet on how you can access paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave

The ASU has your back."
ASU Member 

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