The Australian Services Union is dedicated to ensuring workers have secure employment. We believe this is a basic human right. Together, with the Australian Council of Trade Unions, we are demanding changes that protect job security. 

Everyone deserves safe, secure, and reliable work. Yet over 3 million workers, or 20% of the workforce, is in insecure work, making it difficult to plan for the future. The number of Australians holding more than one job is currently the highest on record. Casual, short-term, or contract-based work with no assurances like sick leave and reliable income are increasingly common. This is made even worse by short-term funding cycles that affect the ongoing employment and job security of workers. 

This needs to change. And the Australian Services Union, along with the broader Union Movement, is dedicated to changing it. 

We oppose outsourcing. Instead, we advocate for in-sourcing services and work. This is an ongoing campaign effort that requires structural changes to our economy. But we are committed to making work in Australia more reliable, safe, and secure. 

If you need advice or require assistance with a problem at your workplace, contact us here  or email [email protected] and an experienced member of our staff will contact you. 

Join the ASU here.

In 2021 we supported over 10,000 members with individual advice and support.
We can help with redundancies, roster changes and pay rates.
"I joined the union to ensure that we can have good conditions...the ASU stands by your side.”
ASU member 

Portable Long Service Leave

After years of tireless campaigning, the Australian Services Union has WON portable long service leave for community and disability workers in NSW. 20/06/2024