Skilled, Respected, Equal
ASU National SACS Summit 2024

24 May 2024

ASU delegates from across the country working in community and disability services came together this week at our national summit.
This year we asked UNSW to conduct the largest ever study into pay and working conditions for our sector. After months of research, and over 3000 testimonies from frontline workers we launched a new report which showed that 2 out 3 workers in our sector are under-classified and underpaid.

You can read the report here.

There were ASU delegates from every state and every territory in attendance. Together we made plans to fix our sector, and win the respect – and pay - that we deserve.

Secretary of the NSW & ACT Branch Angus McFarland spoke about the progress we've made in recent years.
“It was ASU members who won life changing pay rises for community sector when we won Equal Pay. It was ASU members  who led the campaign for 10 days paid  family and domestic violence leave. We have come a long way, but there is more work to do. We must lift wages in our sector.”

Angus spoke about our fight to end unfair wage theft, to create genuine career pathways and improve training in the sector, and repeated our calls for portable entitlements for all community and disability workers.
ASU delegate Josephine said, "Our work is more than just care, compassion and kindness. It is a skill set. It needs to be recognised, valued and paid properly."
ASU delegate Lisa said, "Our work has been undervalued for a long time. Equal Pay happened, but now we we need Equal Pay two! Workers in this sector are more than kind. We're skilled, professional, valuable - but we're not being paid for our skills."
National Assistant Secretary Emeline Gaske said, "Right now, we need the best frontline workers in the sector so that we can provide our communities with the support they need. The only way we can do that is if we make sure that the work is respected, valued, and equal."
Watch Emeline on the ABC news here.
The Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth attended the conference and congratulated ASU members for winning 10 days paid domestic violence leave.  The Minister thanked ASU members for the critical work we do in the sector.

Take Action

Will you commit to a future that’s skilled, respected, and equal for social and community workers? 

Let’s make sure that community and disability workers are valued and respected, with fair pay and secure careers — because we deserve better! 
It’s time for change.

Click here to join the campaign.

I love being a member of the ASU because as a collective we make a difference in the lives of all of the workers across the community sector
Josephine ASU member