We're one step closer to portable long service leave in NSW!

10 June 2024


Last week, portable long service leave legislation was officially introduced to NSW Parliament. Now it's crucial it gets passed and becomes law.

The NSW Labor Government have committed to legislating portable long service leave. Now we need to make sure it has the support of Parliament.

We're calling on members to email and call Independent and Minor Party MPs to urge them to vote for portable long service leave.

Email the crossbench

This bill comes after years of campaigning by ASU members who know that this change would improve the sector, by keeping workers in the community sector, no matter what happens to funding.

In April, close to 1000 submissions were made to the NSW Government.

96% of workers support a portable long service scheme in NSW.
74% of employers support the scheme.

Only together can we get this done.

Email the crossbrench today

ASU members join Branch Secretary Angus McFarland, Premier Chris Minns, Minister for Industrial Relations, Sophie Cotsis, and Jenny Leong MP at NSW Parliament.

Today in Parliament was a big day for the sector. Now we need the support of the crossbench, and to do that, we need the support of our community.
JC Disability Support Worker