
Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024


Media Release: NDIS wage theft case heads to tribunal

A landmark Fair Work Commission case 23/07/2024


Skilled Respected Equal

We've launched a major new case in the Fair Work Commission for fair pay and recognition for community and disability workers. 8/07/2024


ASU Statement

We stand in solidarity with MPs calling for peace in Gaza. The Australian Services Union NSW & ACT Services Branch stands in solidarity with all Members of Parliament who are using their voices to call for peace in Gaza. 2/07/2024


Canberra Community Workers Fight For Fair

Community workers are calling for Equal Pay in the ACT - after the ACT Government failed to provide the same rights. 25/06/2024


Portable Long Service Leave

After years of tireless campaigning, the Australian Services Union has WON portable long service leave for community and disability workers in NSW. 20/06/2024


Standing our ground with airline workers

The ASU is the airlines union. We have launched a new case in the Fair Work Commission 19/06/2024


NSW 2024 Budget: Breakdown

A breakdown of the NSW Government's 2024 Budget for the community and disability sector 18/06/2024


Stop NDIS Wage Theft

The ASU is the disability services union and is taking dodgy provider to Fair Work to stop workers being ripped off. 16/06/2024


NEW SCHADS Award Pay Rates

Download the latest 2024 SCHADS Pay Rates. ASU members helped win an annual pay rise for all community and disability workers. 13/06/2024


Securing Portable Long Service Leave

Legislation has been tabled! 10/06/2024


A pay rise for 3 million workers

The Fair Work Commission has handed the Annual Wage Review. 4/06/2024


2024 National SACS Summit

This week, ASU delegates from across the community and disability services came together to launch the biggest ever sector study, and how to improve the sector. We must be skilled, respected, equal! 30/05/2024


Stop cuts to sleepover pay!

Today, ASU members rallied outside AIG headquarters in Sydney to demand they drop their outrageous attack on sleepover pay. 24/05/2024


Beyond the Headlines: Budget 2024

The Federal Government has just handed down the Budget, here is what we know. 14/05/2024